Monthly Archives: December 2013

Unless Ye Become as Little Children


Holy Innocents’ Day, Childremas

The 28th of December has long been considered the unluckiest day of the year. It is the Third Day of Christmas, Holy Innocents’ Day, and it gets its name from the slaughter of the children of Judea at the order of King Herod after the birth of Jesus, who feared losing his earthly throne to the child. Commencing any undertaking on the 28th of December was to be avoided, especially a marriage or a business venture, for anything begun on this day, it was thought, would certainly fail to prosper.

Be that as it may, the Third Day of Christmas has always been focused on children, and it is a good day to honor not only the children in your life, but also the children we once were: to reconnect with a time when we were more willing to suspend disbelief, more willing to be fully immersed in things, as children are wont to be. The child you were has certainly informed the adult you’ve become, so there is a thread that resonates across the years. This, we feel, is something worth nurturing.

One of the oldest midwinter traditions in the Church is the election of a Boy Bishop each St. Nicholas’s Day on the Sixth of December. He would be chosen from the choirboys, and he would rule until Childremas, this Third Day of Christmas. The office was serious business. The Boy Bishop wore full vestments and mitre, and he would perform all the duties of a bishop, save for celebrating mass, although he did often deliver the sermons. The actual bishop would, in some places, have to follow the orders of the Boy Bishop. These traditions tap into the ideas of the Feast of Fools, as well, where the normal order of things is ceremoniously reversed (which blends into the customs for the Fourth Day of Christmas, tomorrow), and perhaps relates to the words of the Magnificat: God has put down the mighty from their throne and has exalted the humble and the meek.

In medieval times, the Boy Bishop could be found in most every cathedral in France, Britain and Germany during the Yuletide season. The custom was treated with such seriousness that if he should die while in office, the Boy Bishop received the same burial honors as a real bishop. The 1869 Chambers Brothers’ Book of Days gives mention to one unfortunate Boy Bishop who did come to his end while in office, telling us that a monument to his memory may be found on the north side of the nave at Salisbury Cathedral.

In Spain and Latin America, the Third Day of Christmas is a day for practical jokes, the victims of which being called inocentes, although sometimes it is the prankster that gets that name in a plea for forgiveness. No matter how you spend the day, the theme, it seems, is universal: celebrating and honoring children.

Image: A scene from one of the Advent calendars I had as a boy. I saved every one of them. I think traditional German Advent calendars are a sure path back to the language we once spoke as children… and that’s pretty much the reason why we sell them at our website.


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Bless Your Wine

Praising Wine

St. John’s Day

We celebrate the feast of St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr, on the First Day of Christmas, but the Second Day is dedicated to St. John the Evangelist, who was the only of the twelve apostles to live to a ripe old age and not die a martyr’s death. Not that no one ever tried to do St. John in––he survived after drinking poisoned wine that was served to him, and for this reason wine plays a major role in the celebration of St. John’s Day on December 27. In Germany and Austria, it is customary to bring wine to church on St. John’s Day to have it blessed, and this St. John’s wine is considered to have healing properties and to even infuse better flavor in other bottles of wine that rest near it.

Whether that is true or not, certainly the Second Day of Christmas is a good day to celebrate with wine, and what better during these long dark nights of winter than mulled wine? There are many recipes to be found for mulled wine, but here’s what we do: pour a bottle of decent red wine into a stainless steel pot and set it on the stove over medium heat. Add some mulling spices (we happen to sell some pretty wonderful mulling spices at our website, from the Sabbathday Lake Shaker Community in Maine), the rind of an orange, and sugar. Many recipes call for a lot of sugar, but we prefer our mulled wine not so sweet, so I’d suggest starting with a couple of teaspoons of sugar and adding more to taste. You can always add more, but you can’t take it away. Heat to allow the flavors to infuse the wine. Strain and pour into ceremonial cups, and of course, raise a toast to St. John, for good health (“Wassail!”), and for a merry Christmastide.


St. Stephen’s Day

St. Stephen’s Day, Boxing Day, Day of the Wren

The First Day of Christmas, December 26, celebrates St. Stephen. He was the first Christian martyr and so was honored with the first saint’s day after Christmas. In Italy, it is the humble chestnut that is the ritual food for the feast of St. Stephen, and Italians tend to celebrate both St. Stephen and St. John the Evangelist, whose feast day is tomorrow, over the course of the two days with roasted chestnuts and mulled wine.

In England and Canada and other Commonwealth countries, it is Boxing Day, when gift boxes would traditionally be given to servants by their employers. It is also the Day of the Wren, not a particularly good day to be a wren:

The wren, the wren, the king of all birds,
On St. Stephen’s Day was caught in the furze,
Although he was little his honor was great,
Jump up me lads and give us a treat.

Wren Day is celebrated mostly in Ireland. Nowadays it is a fake wren that is hunted on Wren Day, but it used to be real wrens, and it was considered unlucky to hunt them on any other day of the year. The hunting of the wren on St. Stephen’s Day probably goes back to ancient midwinter sacrificial rites. The wren is paraded through the streets by wrenboys in brightly colored costumes and straw hats.

As for us, we’ll be sticking with roasted chestnuts and mulled wine.

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