Daily Archives: April 3, 2016

Your April Book of Days


They say April showers bring May flowers, and so this month’s Convivio Book of Days calendar features rain as its cover star. This would seem to dictate what the May Book of Days calendar will bring, but we shall see what we shall see. Procrastinator that I am, I rarely create the next month’s calendar until the last day I can.

We come to some interesting days in April. All Fools Day came and went, of course, but next up is Lady Day––the Feast of the Annunciation––and that’s all well and good, but here’s the odd (and perhaps wonderful) thing about Lady Day: In Sweden, where the day is called Vårfrudagen, it is a day to eat waffles. And so tomorrow, the Fourth of April, this year at least, is an excellent day to have waffles for dinner (should you be looking for an excuse for a waffle dinner). We also have St. Mark’s Eve, with its bizarre divinations in the romance department, and Walpurgisnacht or May Eve: the traditional segue to summer. I’ll be in touch as these days approach (including the reasoning behind tomorrow’s waffle suppers). And we’ll see what May brings when it gets here.