Hello Everyone. It’s February, and here in Lake Worth, where our town motto back around the turn of the last century was “Where Summer Spends Winter,” this lovely flower, the Amazon Lily, is blooming in our yard. I got its parent plant when I was a student at New College in Sarasota in 1986, and while the original is still blooming at my parents’ home, the one at our house came from a time when Seth divided the original bulbs. Our Amazon Lily is the cover star of this month’s Convivio Book of Days Calendar, chosen for the way the pure white blooms capture the sunlight as it streams through from the Southern sky. Even if February is cold and dark where you are, my hope is that this Amazon Lily brings you light.
Light is on our mind these days as we transition tonight and tomorrow toward Spring. It is a long ways off, it might seem, and yet we are now halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It is St. Brigid’s Day today, Imbolc, and Groundhog’s Day tomorrow, Candlemas. If you have vestiges of yuletide greenery still in your home, it should be taken outside by Candlemas, lest you wish to invite goblins into your home. St. Blaise’s Day on the Third, St. Agatha’s Day on the Fifth. All have their customs.
I apologize for my absence of late; I’ve been a bit preoccupied with some other matters of importance. But please consult the calendar (which is printable, by the way, on standard 8.5″ x 11″ paper), and diligent Convivio Book of Days readers may also wish to search the various days I might miss writing about in the search feature of the blog (below), where you can find posts from past Candlemasses and St. Brigid’s Days and St. Agatha’s Days. All are fascinating, and some may even make you blush (and there’s nothing wrong with that).
As for me, I promise Seth and I are honoring each day as best we can right now, and I promise, too, that I’ll write more soon. Very soon, I hope. We are conscious more than ever of our mantra to Love Each Day.