Daily Archives: May 4, 2020

Bees Abuzz, or Your May Book of Days

Here is your printable Convivio Book of Days calendar for May. Cover star: one of the many bees that love to gather nectar from an unidentified wispy flowering tree in our back yard. Stand near it, and you can hear the activity. With all that’s going on in the world, still the bees simply buzz and go about their business. Pure and simple: reminders like this are good. And I will leave you with that, and wish you the very best.

Visit with me each Wednesday! We broadcast Book Arts 101: Home Edition via Facebook Live from the studios of Convivio Bookworks each Wednesday at 3 PM Eastern Daylight Time. You’ll find the live version at the Facebook page of the Jaffe Center for Book Arts, but then I post it to the Convivio Bookworks Facebook page soon after the broadcast is done. Each episode runs about 30 minutes. Last week, it was a love letter to Lake Worth, our home town. This week, the plan is to get back to basics, back to books, and back to some early influences. Each episode is an unscripted ramble through books and craft and whatever else crosses my mind, all based in the things I find at home. This Wednesday will mark the sixth broadcast. You can find the first five at our Facebook page, but also archived at the homepage of the Jaffe Center for Book Arts.

Be healthy, stay home if you can. That’s what Seth and I are doing. I’ll write as often as I can.