Category Archives: Book of Days Calendar

Brilliant October, or Your October Book of Days

You had probably given up, by now, on any hopes of me delivering news of the Convivio Book of Days Calendar for the month, and yet, here it is. To be honest, it’s been there for quite a while; I’ve just not had a moment to sit down to write and let you know. Be that as it may, I am doing so now. Our cover star this month: “Autumn Woods” and the radiancy that only October brings. Since the month’s beginning we’ve already celebrated Rosh Hashanah and the Feast of the Guardian Angels and the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, with its accompanying blessings of animals (my favorite example this year involved Isabella Rossellini driving two sheep to church in the back of her car), not to mention Yom Kippur and St. Denis’ Day and Indigenous Peoples’ Day, and when you finally get word of this month’s calendar, it will be smack dab in the middle of the month, the 15th of October, which, this year, happens to be Apple Tuesday: a fine day, I think, to enjoy one of those lovelier fruits of the season.

There is much of October still to come, but my favorite of it, of course, is Hallowe’en, which closes the month, and begins our annual season of remembrance. And I know Hallowe’en can be problematic –– not all of you love it as we do here in this house –– but I would like to emphasize that there are two approaches to Hallowe’en and if you are not a fan of this wonderful night, might I suggest that perhaps you’ve been too immersed in the approach that has somehow evolved “spooky” and “spirited” and “mysterious” into axe-wielding murderers and gore and horror. I’m not a fan of that stuff, either. But I choose to exclude it from my Hallowe’en celebration, because it is not quite what the season is all about, is it?

Hallowe’en –– and I do think that apostrophe is gravely important –– is All Hallows Eve. It is remembrance: the first night of a season of remembrance that continues on to St. Martin’s Day on the Eleventh of November. Bring on the mystery and bring on the connexions across time and space and yes, to me, a bit of spookiness is most certainly welcome. Our Hallowe’en, in the odd house that is my memory, is fiddles and barn dancing and perhaps a quilting frolic with a table groaning with autumnal bounty and then, after dinner, ghost stories by the fire. It is trick-or-treating, a journey through the night with fellow trick-or-treaters, a night filled with mysterious sights and sounds. There are sweets –– and plenty of them –– but there are also concord grapes and sputtering baked apples and roasted nuts. In my family tradition, it is the time of year when we make a sacred, penitential dessert that our grandparents made, as did their parents and grandparents before them, since time immemorial. We eat this dessert only this time of year, especially on All Souls Night, and it is made from cooked wheat grains, pomegranate, chopped toasted almonds, and chopped chocolate, all mixed in a bowl and then covered in a syrup that was traditionally made from the last pressings of the grapes from winemaking. The syrup is called Mosto Cotto in proper Italian, though in Lucera, the small city in Puglia from where this strange dish for All Souls Night originates, we call the syrup U Cutto, and the dessert itself we call Cicci Cutto. But that is the Lucerine dialect, just as mysterious as this dessert we eat once a year. The pomegranates surely come from the story of Persephone, who must return to the underground world each autumn, the same underground where our beloved dead reside, and the spices that warm the dessert –– cinnamon and cloves –– warm our hearts and place us firmly in autumn, too.

This, to me, is Hallowe’en. This is the mystery of this time of year, and one of our great joys of autumn.


We’ve got lots going on this time of year! Maybe one or more of these festive occasions will convince you to come on by and say hello. We love when you do.

Our Boo Bazaar at the end of September was such a joy, we’ve decided to do it one more time. Come on over to our Lake Worth Beach shop on Wednesday evening, October 16, from 5 to 9 PM for one last Hallowe’en shopping event this month. This BOO BAZAAR will feature great spooky shopping, mysterious music, and my sister’s homemade amazing Baked Apple Cider Doughnut Holes, plus tarot card readings and fortunes told by Madame Marie-Claire. The shop address is 1110 North G Street in Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460. Also take note: our shop, which is usually open on Saturdays from 11 to 4, will only be open for the Boo Bazaar this Wednesday evening, and then won’t reopen again until Saturday, November 9. We’ll be at the following festivals (rather than at the shop):

We return to OKTOBERFEST MIAMI for the event’s second weekend: this Friday, October 18 through Sunday, October 20. That’s at the German American Social Club in Miami. It’s their 67th Oktoberfest: the oldest Oktoberfest in Florida. We were there all last weekend. So much fun! I’ve still got “The Chicken Dance” in my head.

Soon after Oktoberfest, it’ll be time for FLORIDA DAY of the DEAD at Esplanade Park in Downtown Fort Lauderdale. Please note that for that festival, our pop-up shop will be located in a double tent at Esplanade Park where the festival begins, before it processes over to Revolution Live. As such, we are there earlier than other craft tents that will be at the second half of the event. Find our double tent at Esplanade Park from 3 to 8 PM.

At our online store we’re offering $10 off your purchase of $85 or more, plus get free domestic shipping. Just use discount code PUMPKINHEAD at checkout. We’re still adding new items this time of year almost daily… in fact, our fall shipment of specialty foods, candies, and cookies has just arrived! You’ll find new items from Germany for Hallowe’en and Christmas, plus new Advent calendars and candles, too. We’ll be adding those specialty foods from Europe to the online shop very soon. Lots to see! CLICK HERE to shop.

Finally, won’t you join me on Zoom for a special Real Mail Fridays letter writing social from the Jaffe Center for Book Arts? It happens to be on Thursday this week, not Friday (since I’ll be at Oktoberfest Miami on Friday), and the music will be a very special soundtrack comprised of the kind of mysterious Hallowe’en and autumnal music I like best. Perhaps you’l like it, as well. We begin at 2 Eastern and end at 5 Eastern and you are free to come and go as you please, but the music will be playing all three hours, save for the occasional break we take for a little chat amongst friends. Folks have been joining in lately from all over the US and Canada, plus Scotland, Romania, and the Philippines (our friend there comes to us from the future, since it is already the next day in her part of the world — how mysterious is that?). CLICK HERE to join us.




First of the Ember Months, or Your September Book of Days

It’s September –– equinox month and first of what I like to call the Ember Months: these closing months of the year that share mostly the same sounds as their names roll off the tongue: September, October, November, December. The seasonal shifts here in Lake Worth are subtle to be sure, but I can remember summers drifting into autumn in Maine and there is, in my experience, a distinct shift once September rolls in.

And no wonder. As the Wheel of the Year turns, we find ourselves today, on this First of September, just three short weeks away from the planet’s equinox, and once that moment passes, our Northern Hemisphere’s nighttime hours begin to overtake our daytime hours. It is our autumnal equinox. The nights will grow increasingly longer through the Midwinter solstice in December, at the tail end of those Ember Months. This is our time for gathering in. Our time for shifting attentions inward, to hearth and to home.

And so it is a new month and here is your Convivio Book of Days Calendar for September. It is a month for wine (Our Lady of the Grape Harvest, or the Nativity of Mary, on the 8th), a month for apples (Johnny Appleseed’s birthday on the 26th), and a month for angels (Michaelmas on the 29th… which then leads us to the Feast of the Guardian Angels on the 2nd of October).

In choosing a cover star for this month’s calendar, I’ve settled into the idea of apples. Our September painting, “Apple Tree with Red Fruit” by Paul Ranson, captures the apple aspect, plus the very golden hew of September. Oil on canvas, 1902, [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons.

You won’t believe all the great new items for autumn and the spooky season we have in our online shop and our brick & mortar shop. We’re pretty excited about what we’ve gathered for you. Plus, you may use discount code PUMPKINHEAD to save $10 on your $85 purchase, and get free domestic shipping, too. That’s a total savings of $19.50. Spend less than $85 and our flat rate shipping fee of $9.50 applies. CLICK HERE to shop; you know we appreciate your support immensely. And yes, you may use that $10 discount when you visit us in the store, too!

Our new shop is open on Saturdays from 11 AM to 4 PM, and by appointment, too (we’ll be happy to open for you). We’re located at 1110 North G Street, Suite D, Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460. From I-95, exit 10th Avenue North eastbound; make a left at the first traffic signal onto North A Street, then at the first stop sign, turn right onto 13th Avenue North. Cross the railroad tracks and turn right again onto North G Street. We’re a couple blocks down on your left side in a blue-roofed building. Plenty of street parking on G Street and there are a parking spots in our little parking lot, too. If our OPEN TODAY sign is out, we are open.

One of our goals for our new Lake Worth shop is to create a space that is about community and a place where you can come learn new things. Our first summer workshops series was a big hit, and there is one more workshop in the series yet to come: Instructor Kim Spivey will be teaching Exploring Monoprints on Saturday September 14.

Once autumn rolls in, we start planning out our busy fall and winter pop-up market calendar… plus now we’ve got our own shop for events, too. Here’s what’s currently on our calendar for September and October: BOO BAZAAR is our official Hallowe’en Preview Event at Convivio Bookworks on Saturday & Sunday, September 28 & 29, with great spooky shopping and tarot card readings and fortunes told by Madame Marie-Claire. Then, we return to OKTOBERFEST MIAMI for the second and third weekends of October (October 11, 12, & 13 and October 18, 19, & 20). That’s at the German American Social Club in Miami. The American German Club west of Lantana in suburban Lake Worth holds their OKTOBERFEST the same two weekends, and we plan to have a small tent there, as well. It’s their 50th Oktoberfest!


To Mark their Shining Passage, Good Angels Flew Before

In May of 1774, a woman called Ann Lee, along with a small band of eight followers, set sail from Liverpool upon an old ship called the Mariah. Barely seaworthy, the Mariah sailed west, across the Atlantic, bound for the British colony of New York. These folks called themselves the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing, and as for Ann Lee: they called her Mother Ann. Mother Ann had had a vision that beckoned her to gather her small flock and to leave behind the persecution they’d been facing in England and to begin anew on the other side of the ocean.

The captain of the ship didn’t necessarily enjoy the presence of this oddball religious sect, but paying passengers are paying passengers. Still, two and a half months’ passage is a long time, especially when all one sees is water and folks dancing and whirling in ecstatic prayer. There were some tense moments on the voyage, especially during one treacherous evening when the leaky old ship nearly went down in a storm. As the Mariah took on water, Mother Ann calmly approached the captain and told him, “Captain, be of good cheer; there shall not a hair of our heads perish; we shall all arrive safe in America. I just saw two bright angels of God standing by the mast, through whom I received this promise.”

Soon after, as the story goes, a great wave struck the ship and the force of it slammed a loose plank into place, sealing the ship and stopping the leak. After witnessing this, the captain gave his strange passengers full liberty to worship as they wished. When they finally reached New York Harbor after the long, treacherous passage, the captain declared that “but for these people we never would have reached America.”

As with any group that is a bit different, they were met with suspicion and distrust, and because of their whirling and dancing in worship, some people here in the States began calling them Shaking Quakers. That was meant to be derogatory, but the United Society of Believers, in one of the earliest acts of empowerment, took the name for themselves, and began calling themselves Shakers, too. The movement gained a foothold. The Shakers ultimately founded 21 Communities in the 18th and 19th centuries, stretching from Maine to Kentucky, with even a short-lived Community here in Florida, at Kissimmee.

That Sixth of August, 1774, when Mother Ann first stepped foot on American soil, is marked to this day by our friends at Chosen Land, the Shaker Community at Sabbathday Lake, Maine, as The Glorious Sixth or as Arrival Day: the Arrival of the Shakers in America. Chosen Land is the only remaining active Shaker Community anywhere. And this year, being the 250th anniversary of Mother Ann’s arrival in America, is extremely special to them. For months now, thanks to our love for Chosen Land and the people who call that place home, I have known exactly what the Convivio Book of Days Calendar for August would look like. August begins with Lammas, and it brings the end of the Dog Days of Summer, and it brings Obon, the enchanting Japanese celebration honoring the dead, and it brings Ferragosto to Italy and the Bartlemas Wayzgoose, too… but the Shakers are the stars this month for me, and Arrival Day is what I want to talk about in this chapter of the Convivio Book of Days.

You can read about the history of the Shakers elsewhere, and you can read about their wonderful contributions to classic American design (you can even buy a set of commemorative stamps right now from the US Postal Service, celebrating 250 years of Shaker design). Me, what I love best is a good story, and for Seth and me, our Shaker story begins with the fact that Seth grew up in the town in Maine adjacent to the town where Chosen Land is. At Gray-New Gloucester High School, Seth had classes with names like “Shaker Studies,” and he spent summers working in the Shaker gardens and giving tours at the museum there at Shaker Village. And it was Seth who suggested to Brother Arnold Hadd that opening his printshop (and heart) to a quirky young guy who was interested in letterpress printing and bookbinding and history might be a good idea. Brother Arnold decided Seth was right. And so I spent the summer of 1996 at Chosen Land, researching, designing, printing, and binding, with Brother Arnold, a book about Deacon James Holmes, the very first printer there at Chosen Land. Deacon James was probably a bit quirky, too. He’d come to the Community as a young man himself in 1783. He remained there all his life. When he was in his 80s, he came into possession of some cases of metal types for printing and decided (naturally) the only thing to do was to build himself a printing press, which he did. Deacon James went on to print books and broadsides and seed packets for the Shakers’ new garden seed industry. My kind of guy.

The Shakers that summer––and there were eight of them at the time, just like the band of eight that followed Mother Ann to the New World––made Seth and me so welcome into their Community. The greatest privilege I had that first summer, and one of the greatest privileges of my life, was to be welcomed into their August 6 celebration of Arrival Day. I’ve told this story many times before, but it is so much a part of me and my Shaker experience, that I beg of you to let me tell it again. But those are the best stories, no? The ones we tell again and again. So, here we go:

That Sixth of August celebration in 1996 began no differently, I imagine, than they always did and always do: With a wonderful meal, in community with all gathered. Now, nearly 30 years later, there are but two Shakers: Brother Arnold and Sister June, Elder and Eldress by default, I suppose, but certainly there will be many friends of the Community at table with them for the meal. The meal will be at the end of the day, and then, as night begins to fall, the small band of believers will move from the Dining Room to the Chapel. Not the 1794 Meetinghouse, for Sister June can no longer make the passage across the road to that enchanted building, but to the Chapel that is in the Dwelling House and that was, originally, reserved for Shaker Meeting during the winter, when it was too cold or snowy to use the old Meeting House.

But on that August 6th night in 1996, it was to the 1794 Meeting House that our small band of believers went. The building is beautiful in its simplicity. There are no column supports to interrupt the openness of the main room, which gave the early Shakers plenty of room for their dancing. And while the Shakers today do not dance, still the building inspires. Whenever I am there, I look at the wide plank floor. I think of all the Shakers who whirled and danced on those floorboards. I look at the beams painted with blueberry milk paint, the original paint from 1794, still blue, still the hue of sky at dusk.

As at any Shaker Meeting, there are readings and set Shaker songs. One song that is always sung on this night begins At Manchester in England, this blessed fire began / And like a flame in stubble, from house to house it ran. The song, called “Mother,” was written in 16 verses by Elder Richard McNemer and published in 1813 in the first Shaker songbook, Millennial Praises. Aside from the readings and set songs at the beginning, there are testimonies from anyone who is moved to stand and speak, followed always by Shaker spirituals inspired by those testimonies. And through it all, at least for that August 6th evening in 1996, despite the lanterns that were illuminated at the start of Meeting, night slowly descended upon the Meetinghouse and the Community gathered, wending its way, weaving its magic.

I don’t think I will ever forget what happened as the room filled with darkness and lamplight. The women sat on one side of the room and the men on the other, as is the Shaker custom, and in the faces of the sisters and other women across from me, I could discern the faces of Shaker sisters throughout time. I knew I was looking at Sister Frances and Sister Marie and Sister June and Sister Ruth and all the other women gathered there with them, but their visages seemed to shift in the twilight, so I could see Sister Mildred, too, and Sister Aurelia and Sister Elsie McCool and countless others whose names I’d never know. We may have entered the Meetinghouse in 1996, but it didn’t seem to remain 1996. Sacred spirit filled that sacred space.

If you’ve stayed with me all this time, through all these paragraphs, perhaps you, too, love a good story. My life has been filled with so many moments like this. I’m a very lucky guy, I know it.

And if you’ve stayed with me through all these paragraphs, you deserve a reward. And so here is your Convivio Book of Days Calendar for August. It is, as are all Convivio Book of Days Calendars, a printable PDF, and a fine companion to this blog. Aside from Arrival Day coming on the Sixth, today brings Lammas (Lughnasadh in the Celtic calendar). It is a day not much celebrated here in the States, but this is our loss, for the value of Lammas is in its gentle reminder that summer is ripening, maturing, shifting to hues of gold, as we make our way toward autumn. It is, in fact, a cross-quarter day: we find ourselves, with Lammas, in the Northern Hemisphere, at the halfway point between the Midsummer solstice and the Autumnal equinox. This, to me, anyway, is a day worth noting. It is known as First Harvest, and it is traditional to bake a loaf of bread on Lammas, and to enjoy perhaps a wee dram of whisky (which is also made from grain).


We’re planning a small Bartlemas Wayzgoose celebration at our new shop the weekend of Saturday August 24 & Sunday August 25. What we know so far is it begins with a book arts workshop focused on non-adhesive bindings that I’ll be teaching, called Pure Bookbinding. That’s on Saturday August 24 from 10 AM to 1 PM, and currently there are only 3 seats left. We’ll continue the celebration probably from about 3:00 on Saturday, into the evening, then again on Sunday with whatever interesting and fun ideas Seth and I can come up with. Details still to come…. watch the blog and our social media channels through August so you don’t miss it.

Everything we offer at Convivio Bookworks has a story, and now you know (in case you didn’t before) why we sell culinary herbs and herbal teas from the Sabbathday Lake Shaker Community. The Community’s herb industry began in 1799. Find the Shakers’ rose water, potpourri, herbal teas, and culinary herbs at our online shop or in store, when you come see us in our new shop at 1110 North G Street in Lake Worth Beach.

Bonus Materials for you: A Facebook Live broadcast from August 5, 2020, called Book Arts 101: Simple Gifts, featuring Seth and me talking about our time with the Shakers. Plus a full library of early Book Arts 101 talks, before they moved from Facebook Live to Vimeo, is available by clicking here. (Should you need a rabbit hole to fall into.)

A few months ago, I answered some questions that the folks at Yelp Broward/Palm Beach sent, and just tonight they published a “Meet the Owners” feature about us. Click here to check it out on Instagram (or visit their page at @yelpbrowardpalmbeach).


Our cover star for today’s chapter and for this month’s Convivio Book of Days Calendar is a Shaker gift drawing called “Tree of Life.” It was painted on paper by Sister Hannah Cohoon in 1854 at the Hancock Shaker Community in Massachusetts. Gift drawings were indeed seen by the Shakers as gifts: visions handed to them from the spiritual realm.