Category Archives: May Day

Open Shop Days for May

Well, here it is, the start of May (May Day, no less!) and I don’t have your Convivio Book of Days calendar for the month ready yet. It should be coming in the next few days. Meanwhile, I do want you to know about two days of open hours at the new Convivio Bookworks shop here in Lake Worth Beach: the next two Saturdays (Saturday May 4 and Saturday May 11), we’ll be open from 11 AM to 5 PM. There are some great new things in the shop, and some smashingly good gift ideas for Mother’s Day for all the moms in your life. If you’re local, we hope you’ll come by. We’d love to see you. Click on the image above to make it large enough to read all the details.

We’ve also got a proper grand opening in the works for you, and our plan is for a Midsummer Celebration on Friday June 21, Saturday June 22, and Sunday June 23. There will be shopping and printing fun and a tasting event featuring lots of the fine Scandinavian foods and beverages that we carry, and who knows what else we’ll come up with.

For now, though… it’s back to work on that calendar! I’ll be sure to let you know when it’s ready.

Roses, or Your May Book of Days

At the close of last Friday’s edition of Real Mail Fridays, the weekly online Zoom social I host for the Jaffe Center for Book Arts each Friday from 2 to 5 Eastern, artist Maria Surducan, who was tuning in from Romania, asked if we were all off on Monday for May Day. I had to explain that no, May Day was not a big deal here in the States, and not even acknowledged as a holiday, really.

But certainly some of you celebrated, and I hope you had a lovely Walpurgis Night and a fine May Day, too. And here, now, just a bit belated, is your Convivio Book of Days Calendar for May. Cover star: Roses, painted by Renoir. It’s a gorgeous painting and that alone is worth clicking for. And I will leave it at that. It’s late; I’m going to have a cup of English Breakfast and go to bed. Maybe I’ll dream of roses, and maybe you will, too.

SAVE ONLINE! At our online catalog, save $10 off your purchase of $85 or more, plus get free domestic shipping, too, when you use discount code BUNNY at checkout. It’s our Zippin’ Into Springtime Sale, good on everything in the shop, now until we decide it’s done. CLICK HERE to shop! And don’t forget to use discount code BUNNY at checkout if your order is $85 or more.

Image: “Roses” by Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Oil on canvas, circa 1912, Barnes Foundation. [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons.


Spring into Summer

End of April, start of May: it’s another of the old stories manifesting again tonight –– the stories we tell each other year after year, and which never grow tired, for the wheel of the year turns and each spoke is new and yet is the old familiar, too. And so here is the old story for tonight: it is Walpurgis Night, the Eve of May. With it, we spring into summer.

The night is named for St. Walpurga, a saint who, in medieval times, had not one but two feast days each year: February 25, which is the day she left this earthly life, and the First of May, which which was the date of her canonization in the 9th century. Her May feast day has actually not been celebrated in the Church for centuries now; nonetheless, St. Walpurga is forever tied to the transition from spring to summer, and we are the richer for it, for still we get to wish each other a Happy Walpurgis Night as we welcome May, and why deprive ourselves of saying words filled with such wonder? This night is particularly loved in Sweden, Finland, and Bavaria. In Sweden, this is a night for bonfires, for gravlax and sparkling wine outdoors under the stars. In many places, historically, this was a night, especially for the young and hearty, to stay out til dawn as winter becomes but a memory and as we enter into the gentler time of year.

In the Celtic tradition, it is Beltane. It is the cross quarter day that helps us spring to summer here in the Northern Hemisphere. In the wheel of the year, Beltane is the direct opposite spoke of the cross quarter day that comes as we fall into winter, which is Samhain, or Halloween. The fall into winter brings descent, life burrowing down beneath the earth, while the spring into summer brings ascent, life springing forth from the earth. It is an aspect of the everlasting mysteries of the planet and its place in the universe: we know these things so well, for we witness them each year with the planet’s revolution around the sun, and yet how these things have all come to pass still has the power to leave us breathless. (Again, the old stories.) The very names given to these days are shrouded in mystery, too, for their pronunciations are, for most of us, not of our tongue, and what seems apparent is not: Beltane is pronounced bowl-tan-a; Samhain is pronounced sah-win. Like the names of angels in ancient tongues, to speak the names connects us to a long forgotten past whose embers smolder still in the bonfires we light, in the fire bowls in our yards, or even in the candle you illuminate in your home. We certainly don’t need candles, do we? And yet we light them, especially on nights like this, nights that mark a shift.

Here’s another part of the old story I’ve offered you in the past: It was a few years ago on Walpurgis Night that Convivio Book of Days reader (and fellow letterpress printer) Leonard Seastone gave us a pointer in the blog comments about a good song for this night, and I always remember this kindness. It is a traditional Swedish song called “Maj vare välkommen” (May Be Welcome), and that song will be part of our quiet celebration tonight, too, even if it’s just playing in my head. Leonard signed off on that Walpurgis Night using his proper Swedish name –– Lennart Einar Sjösten –– so he seems to me a good authority on these matters. I hope he’ll be celebrating tonight as Seth and I will be, and I hope you will, too, in some way, grand or small.

I’ll be back tomorrow with your Convivio Book of Days calendar for May. For tonight, though, we wish you a good and warm Walpurgis Night. Welcome May!

SAVE ONLINE! At our online catalog, save $10 off your purchase of $85 or more, plus get free domestic shipping, too, when you use discount code BUNNY at checkout. It’s our Zippin’ Into Springtime Sale, good on everything in the shop, now until we decide it’s done. CLICK HERE to shop! And don’t forget to use discount code BUNNY at checkout if your order is $85 or more.

Image: “Walpurgia Night Fest on Heiligenberg in Heidelberg (Germany)” by Przemyslaw Grudnik. Photograph, 30 April 2006. [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons.