That’s Patty Larkin and Jennifer Farrell in the pictures above with me. We are the cast of characters that make up the online Belated 2022 Library Wayzgoose Festival that gets its World Premiere on Saturday evening, March 25, 2023 at 7 Eastern at the website of the Jaffe Center for Book Arts. Here’s your invitation to join us: Just CLICK HERE at 7 Eastern on Saturday… or, for that matter, any time after, too. Meanwhile, here’s the Official Trailer:
Jennifer Farrell is the proprietor of STARSHAPED PRESS in Chicago. No one prints like Jen does. And Patty Larkin is one of my favorite singer/songwriters. She’s been recording for decades, and her music has accompanied me, in the way that strange things sometimes still happen, through all my book arts career. I’ve been immersed in filming, interviewing, editing, and more for this project for months now, and especially in the last few days. The good news? I still love it. I think you will, too, so please join us for the premiere this Saturday if you can.
I chose the new date for the belated Wayzgoose broadcast because it is another quirky day in the round of the year, much like the traditional date for a typical Wayzgoose celebration (the 24th of August, St. Bartholomew’s Day). I could explain it here, but I’m not going to. Here’s what I’d prefer you do: Watch the Wayzgoose; I’ll explain it all there. Before you sit down to watch at 7 PM Eastern on Saturday, make yourself and for all those who are watching with you a steaming plate of waffles. Serve them up with butter and maple syrup, or make yourself a nice sandwich of waffles and vanilla ice cream. Then turn on your computer, go to, click the start button on the Wayzgoose video that will be loaded there by then, then tuck into those waffles as you watch. All will be revealed within the first few minutes and you will find yourself well connected to the seasons and the round of the year and with a general understanding of why a Wayzgoose usually happens at Bartlemas and why we eat waffles on the 25th of March, which is Lady Day: the Feast of the Annunciation. Then sit back and enjoy the show.
COME SEE US! Find us on Saturday April 1 at JOHAN’S JOE in Downtown West Palm Beach from 7 AM to 3 PM for a little Springtime Market that Johan’s Joe and Convivio Bookworks are hosting together. We had a Christmas Market at Johan’s last December and it was so much fun and we met so many wonderful people, we’ve decided to collaborate again for Easter. We’ll have all our handcrafted goods for spring and Easter there from Germany, Sweden, and Ukraine.
After Easter, find us at Lake Worth’s Second Annual TACO FIESTA at Bryant Park (Lake Avenue at the Lake Worth Lagoon) on Saturday April 22 from 3 to 9 PM. It’s a free family event celebrating all things taco, and we’ll be there with a large selection of artisan goods, mostly from Mexico, and lots of my mom’s hand embroidered tea towels, too. Viva Lake Worth Beach!
SAVE ONLINE! At our online catalog, save $10 off your purchase of $85 or more, plus get free domestic shipping, too, when you use discount code BUNNY at checkout. It’s our Zippin’ Into Springtime Sale, good on everything in the shop, now through Easter (and probably a bit beyond, too). CLICK HERE to shop! And don’t forget to use discount code BUNNY at checkout if your order is $85 or more.