Winter Landscape, Or Your January Book of Days


Happy New Year, and Wassail! It’s January and here (much timelier than last month) is your Convivio Book of Days calendar for the month. Our cover star is a wintry scene of a nontraditional sort by Wassily Kandinsky, called “Winter Landscape.” The colors called to me, and so here it is.

My new year resolution is to be more timely about getting the monthly Book of Days calendar prepared and published for you, and two days into the month seems not so bad for the first one of the year. Devoting more time to writing the Convivio Book of Days blog would be another good resolution, but while the Convivio Bookworks shop is still new, that particular resolution would seem likely to fail, so I will stop short of making it. I will promise, however, to do my best to be better about such things. I do think it may be easier to do so in 2025 than it was in the past year. By now, a lot about the establishment of the shop is done, and I am hopeful that this year, things will more easily fall into place each month as we follow patterns that we established in 2024. But it’s all very new territory, we’ve found, and, as usual, we shall see what we shall see.

One way I’ve found to still bring you a bit of daily inspiration, at least during these Twelve Days of Christmas we are in this yuletide season, is through our Instagram page: @conviviobookworks. If you don’t already follow us on Instagram, I invite you to do so. Since Christmas began last week, I’ve been posting a daily image and a very brief summary of the traditions for each of the Twelve Days of Christmas, as I’ve come to realize that although I may not have the time, sometimes, to write a chapter for this blog, I can certainly write a little something that can be posted to Instagram. If you’ve missed the abundance of writing that was here before we opened the shop, well, we can, at least, keep in touch via Instagram. (I’m pretty sure each Instagram post also posts to our Facebook page (though I am not terribly active there aside from these cross-posts from Instagram).

As for the shop, we are back to our regular hours: Saturdays from 11 AM to 4 PM, with occasional special events as well as hours by appointment. We absolutely loved seeing you at all of our Christmas Markets this past December, and we look forward to seeing you more in 2025. This Saturday at the shop (as well as online), our Twelve Days of Christmas Sale continues, with rare temporary markdowns on many of our Christmas items, as well as clearance prices on Christmas specialty foods, chocolates, and cookies. CLICK HERE to shop, or come see us this Saturday from 11 to 4 at the shop. The address is 1110 North G Street, Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460.

Happy Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy New Year! Happy Twelfth Night!


Image: “Winter Landscape” by Wassily Kandinsky. Oil on cardboard, 1909 [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons.


5 thoughts on “Winter Landscape, Or Your January Book of Days

  1. mary beth shipley says:

    Love all this! Happy New Year, Epiphany and Old Twelvey!

    Wonderful art!

  2. Linda Gottschall says:

    A Kandinsky I actually like! Good choice, John.

    • John Cutrone says:

      I felt the same way, Linda. I’ve never been much of a Kandinsky fan and never understood why he gets so much attention, compared to, say, Piet Mondrian from that same era. But I did find this painting rather intriguing.

  3. Scott Bailey says:

    Be wise. Follow the star. ⭐️

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