Your June Book of Days


It’s the First of the month and here we come bearing our monthly gift to you: the printable Convivio Book of Days Calendar, this one for June 2015. It is full-on summertime across the Northern Hemisphere, anyway you slice it: First day of summer by the almanac come the summer solstice, but for the more traditional amongst us, it is Old Midsummer come St. John’s Eve on the 23rd, just a couple of days past the solstice. We approach the longest days of the year now, but with St. John’s Day the earth again shifts in its seat and begins tilting back toward the south and these days that have been lengthening little by little with each passing day since the winter solstice begin again to get gradually shorter in our planet’s constant rearrange. Each day slightly different than the one that preceded it, slightly different than the one that follows.

You’ll find at this month’s calendar that things are pretty quiet for the first couple of weeks of June, and in that slower spirit of summer we have not rushed to get the calendar to you, but taken our sweet time. We encourage you, too, to put up the “Gone Fishing” sign on your door and spend some time enjoying life in the sunshine. Seth and I have taken some time off from work to paint the house, but we even took some time off from that yesterday, too, so we could get to the beach. It is the gentler time of year; you should enjoy it.

Instagram! We mentioned last month that we are now on Instagram, and it’s really proving to be a lot of fun. Please join us there in our little photobook project that covers seasonal traditions, foodways, book arts, occasional cats and gardens, Lake Worth living… the kind of eclectic rovings you’ve come to expect from us: or just find us at the Instagram app at “conviviobookworks.”

Image: My mom Millie spending the day on the water sometime in the early 1950s. She is one of many family cover stars on this month’s Convivio Book of Days Calendar.