Daily Archives: October 31, 2023


And now tonight brings Hallowe’en. I’ve written a Convivio Dispatch for Hallowe’en and I’d love to share it with you. The Convivio Dispatch is a sister publication to the Convivio Book of Days… one that deals more with story and one that is not published as a blog but rather as a simple email, which arrives in your inbox without much fanfare. Subscribers to the Book of Days Blog do not necessarily receive the Dispatch (in fact, most do not––subscription rates for the Dispatch are much higher than they are for the Book of Days). All to say: If you’d like to be sure of receiving this year’s Convivio Dispatch for Hallowe’en, please do subscribe by clicking here. It’s free, and it’s my absolute pleasure to write these stories for you.

Happy Hallowe’en!

P.S. Your Convivio Book of Days calendar for November will be late! Here are important dates to keep in mind whilst you’re waiting for the next calendar page:
November 1: All Saints Day (All Hallows)
November 2: All Souls Day (Day of the Dead, Dia de Los Muertos)
November 11: Martinmas (St. Martin’s Day)… the conclusion of this time of remembrance known as Hallowtide (which begins tonight, with All Hallow’s Eve: Hallowe’en).